
El Centro de Economía y Políticas Regional (CEPR) es un centro de investigación de la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, sede Viña del Mar, cuyo foco está en el desarrollo de la economía regional y las políticas públicas.

Economía Urbana y Espacial
Transit development and housing displacement: The case of the Chicago Red Line Extension

Cities Volume 115, August 2021, 103212 


  • Ex ante analysis is used to predict housing locations for transit displacees.
  • New housing locations are likely to increase housing cost burdens of displacees.
  • New locations show higher overall rates of heavy rail use.


Chicago’s South Side has long been characterized as a “transit desert” – an area with high transit inaccessibility and insufficient infrastructure to meet residents’ needs (Jiao & Dillivan, 2013). Without adequate transit, residents cannot reach employment opportunities or regional amenities – contributing to economic, spatial, and social marginalization. The Chicago Transit Authority’s proposed Red Line Extension (RLE) is designed to connect the city’s far south side neighborhoods to Chicago’s core. Given the scope of the RLE, 175 parcels have been chosen for demolition, meaning that a similar number of households face displacement to make room for the RLE right of way – which may have potentially negative consequences in realizing the subsequent benefits of improved transit access. In this article, we perform an ex-ante analysis of RLE induced displacement. Specifically, we: 1) predict potential location choices that transit displacees are most likely to choose; and 2) analyze these locations in relation to access to transit, amenities, employment, and housing affordability, among others. Within the context of transportation planning, ex-ante analysis is important because it can minimize unintended and negative consequences of transit-induced displacement – like decreased transit access and a loss of potential neighborhood improvements – by predicting potential relocation choices for displacees. Such predicted choices can help planners and decision-makers better understand the trade-offs for directly affected households and thereby allow planners and decision-makers to assist in relocation assistance that maximizes the benefits of the necessarily displaced.

Economía Urbana y Espacial
Ciencia Regional
Gobiernos Locales
Política Digital
How people access the internet and the democratic divide: Evidence from the Chilean region of Valparaiso 2017, 2018 and 2019

Technology in Society, Volume 63, November 2020, 101432

The Internet has been often described as a tool that fosters the inclusion of traditionally marginalized people in the democratic process. Yet, if the type of device used by people to access the Internet impacts their online democratic engagement, uneven Internet penetration and differences in the devices used by social groups will result in a deeper democratic divide. After discussing the impact of the types of internet use and type of access devices on civic engagement, we postulate 3 hypotheses on how democratic values and type of access to the Internet—place and devices—are related to the civic use of social media. We use data from a Valparaíso Regional poll in Chile in 2017, 2018 and 2019 to test those hypotheses. People who access the Internet via mobile phones are less likely to use social media with a civic purpose, while those who access the Internet at home or work are more likely to do so. Since low-income sectors primarily access the Internet via mobile phones while higher income groups have a wider array of Internet connection options, the rapid growth of cell phone use for accessing the Internet risks deepening social and income gaps in civic engagement.

Ciencia RegionalGobiernos LocalesPolítica Digital
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Economía Agraria
Obesity under Full Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Access Conditions

No existen acuerdos respecto al rol de la accesibilidad monetaria a frutas y verduras frescas (o acceso en general) sobre niveles de obesidad. En este artículo exploramos si es que el acceso a frutas y verduras frescas se relaciona con mejores indicadores biométricos, tales como peso y el índice de masa corporal. Usando propensity score matching, encontramos que los años de educación se relacionan con menores niveles de obesidad, mucho más que el ingreso per cápita del hogar. Nuestros resultados son consistentes tanto cuando analizamos a la población general como cuando tomamos a un subconjunto de agricultores y vendedores de mercados tradicionales, quienes esperamos tengan mayor acceso a frutas y verduras. De esa manera, políticas públicas que se enfoquen en educación más que en aumentar los ingresos de los hogares pueden ser más efectivas en la reducción de índices de obesidad..

Desarrollo Económico y Organización IndustrialEconomía Agraria
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
A Bad Year? Climate Variability and the WineIndustry in Chile

Short-term climate conditions may affect crop yields and vintage quality and, as a consequence, wine prices and vineyards’ earnings. In this paper, we use a CGE model for Chile, which incorporates detailed information about the value chain of the wine sector in the country. Using information for the 2015-2016 harvest, we calibrate climate shocks associated with a bad year for the wine industry in Chile, when premature rains occurred in important wine regions, reducing the area harvested and leading to wines with less concentrated flavors, particularly for reds. We model the climate shocks as a technical change in the grape-producing sector (quantity effect). Moreover, we model quality effects as a shift in the foreign demand curve for Chilean wine. Given the specific economic environment in the model and the proposed simulation, it is possible to note the reduction of Chilean real GDP by about 0.067%. By decomposing this result, we verify that the quality effect has a slightly greater weight compared to the quantity effect.

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Ciencia Regional
Spatial concentration in Latin America and the role of institutions

Journal of Regional Research Volume 36, 2016, Pages 233 to 253


Spatial concentration in Latin America, especially in the southern cone, reaches high levels in all dimensions. Despite significant economic growth in the last two decades, trade openness, the return to democratic regimes and reductions in the Gini coefficients the primacy indexes of most Latin American countries remain relatively constant and among the highest in the world. This situationchallenges most regional and urban economics theories that predict a reduction in spatial concentration as development proceeds, after an initial period of concentration. Furthermore, Latin American countries could be trapped in processes of agglomeration without growth. The objective of this article is twofold: first, we describe some characteristics of spatial concentration and its persistence in Latin America with special emphasis in the case of Chile; and second, we propose future research lines related to the need of rebalancing Latin American spatial economies focusing on the importance of institutions as an explanation of the persistence of spatial concentration.

Ciencia Regional
Special Issue on Latin American issues

Regional Science, Policy and Practice Volumen 12, Issue 1, 17 February 2020, Pages 5-6

Ciencia Regional
Territorial development and mining. Insights and challenges from the Chilean case

Resources Policy, No. 101812 28 July 2020


As mining activity generally occurs far away from metropolitan areas, governments tend to forget the problems that communities in mining regions face. Centralized government systems and, more importantly, a lack of a robust understanding of the effects of mining impacts on communities and regions, explain in part the lag of development in mining regions and countries. This paper discusses these aspects and introduces eight different papers (comprising the Special Issue: Territorial development and mining in Chile) discussing the impacts that mining activity brings to local economic activity and societal outcomes using the case of Chile, one of the most important mining countries in the world. We conclude this invitation to a territorial turn in the study of mining-based economic development with a set of key research topics we believe would benefit from further research to improve our understanding of the temporal and spatial dynamics between mining activity and development across territories.

Ciencia Regional
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Harsh parenting during early childhood and child development

Economics & Human Biology Volume 36, 26 december 2019, 100831


We study the relationship between harsh parenting strategies, including psychological and physical aggressions that do not constitute abuse, on early childhood cognitive and socio-emotional development. We estimate a value-added model that controls for a rich set of child, mother, and family characteristics, from a nationally representative sample of Chilean children aged 52–83 months. We find harsh parenting is significantly associated with lower verbal skills (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) of a magnitude of 0.06 standard deviations, and with increased behavioral problems (Child Behavior Check List), by 0.11 standard deviations, including internalization, externalization, and sleep problems. We also find that the more systematic (persistent) harsh parenting is, the stronger the association; the association is similar for boys and girls; reaches its peak at about 5 years of age; and it is stronger for children with less educated mothers.

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
The Structure of Peers: The Impact of Peer Networks on Academic Achievement

Research in Higher Education Volume 60, 2 January 2019, pages 931–959


Peer effects are an important contributing factor in the learning process. Most of the prior literature on peer effects focuses on the characteristics of peers rather than examining the structure of peer networks. We attempt to measure not only the impact of peers but also the structure of the peer network. In particular we are interested in the characteristics of students’ study groups along several dimensions: quality, heterogeneity, size and cohesion. Using pre-college characteristics of students and a random assignment into sections in their first year, we construct instruments of the study group measures to control for endogeneity of the network formation. Our OLS and IV estimates suggest that peer quality improves student performance, and that the breadth and cohesion of students’ network positively affects student outcomes. We also find significant heterogeneity of the results depending on network characteristics. Our findings can be used to assist university administrators or professors to choose criteria for sorting students into study groups.

Ciencia Regional
Ciencia Regional
Longitudinal analysis of the career trajectories and outcomes of forced migrants in Sweden

Small Business Economics, 6 February 2020


The current surge in forced migration to Europe is probably the largest and most complex since the Second World War. As population ageing accelerates and fertility falls below replacement level, immigration may be seen as a key component of human capital to address labor and skill shortages. Receiving countries are, however, hesitant about the contribution that forced migrants can make to the local economy. Coupled with increasing pressure on welfare services, they are associated with increased job competition and crime. Underutilization of immigrants’ skills is, however, a waste of resources that countries can scarcely afford. Understanding the labor market integration process of forced migrants is thus critical to develop policies that unleash their full skills potential and ultimately foster local economic productivity. While prior studies have examined the employment and salary outcomes of these immigrants at a particular point in time post-migration, they have failed to capture the temporal dynamics and complexity of this process. Drawing on administrative data from Sweden, we examine the career pathways of forced migrants using sequence analysis from their arrival in 1991 through to 2013.

Ciencia Regional
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Farmer Cooperation and Market Access: Evidence from Chilean Wine-grape Markets

Fuente: COES 2010

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Ciencia Regional
Quality Incentives in Informal Markets: The Case of Ecuadorian Cocoa

Ciencia Regional
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
The effect of Vocational Education on outcomes in Higher Education

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Ciencia Regional
Growth Effects of Regional Integration Agreements

Fuente: Central Bank of Chile Working Papers


During the 1990’s the world experienced a new wave of regional integration agreements (RIAs) that reached unprecedented proportions. In the presence of economies of scale or extent-of-the market effects RIAs may have positive growth effects. I introduce a new measure of regional integration by interacting country membership to a RIA and the partners’ share of world GDP, which allows capturing differentiated effects depending on the size of the partners. Results indicate that RIAs have exerted positive effects on growth. In addition, I find that North North agreements have significant growth effects; South-South agreements have ambiguous effects depending on the size of the countries joining them, and that there is no clear answer for North-South agreements.

Ciencia Regional
Effects of full-day schooling on mothers’ employment quality: Evidence from a school reform in Chile

Brechas de Género
Maternal Stress During Pregnancy and Early Childhood Development

Fuente: IZA Discussion Paper No. 11452


There is a consensus in the literature on the relevance of the first 1,000 days since conception in the development of a child’s cognitive and non-cognitive skills. However, little is known of the determinants of these skills at that age, as previous literature has focused on the effect of in utero and early childhood shocks on outcomes at birth or at age 7 and beyond. In this paper, we analyze the impact of prenatal stress on cognitive and non-cognitive development of the child by age 2. By exploiting a longitudinal dataset of children and their parents, we find that children who were exposed in-utero to maternal stress do not have different birth-weight relative to those who were not exposed, yet by age 2, exposed children had a lower level of development, cognition skills, and more attention problems relative to children not exposed to in utero stress.We also find that the negative impacts are observed if in-utero stress occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. The negative impact on cognitive skills and development is concentrated on lower-income children and attention problems occur among high-income children, and boys suffer lower development and worse attention problems, while girls’ cognition is negatively affected by in-utero stress.

Brechas de Género
Ciencia Regional
A Quality of Life Index for the Chilean Regions

Ciencia Regional
Ciencia Regional
Are vertical linkages promoting the creation of a mining cluster in Chile? An analysis of the SMEs’ practices along the supply chain


In regions whose industrial structure is organized around one or more large firm corporations, the best practices of small and medium enterprises depend on where firms are located in the supply chain. This paper studies 351 small and medium enterprises in the Antofagasta Region in Chile between 2007 and 2008, where multinational and public mining companies are the drivers of the local economy and the government is promoting the formation of a mining cluster. Structural equation model is used to show that first-tier small and medium enterprise mining suppliers, directly related to large corporations, follow business practices that promote international certification, quality control, and investment in innovation, while in contrast second-tier small and medium enterprises are more focused on avoiding insolvency and client orientation. These results cast doubt on the formation of a mining cluster in the region and suggest the need for differentiated policies in these two groups of small and medium enterprises, especially those related to knowledge transfer.

Ciencia Regional
Ciencia Regional
Efectividad de la Política de Innovación en las Regiones de Chile

Ciencia Regional
Ciencia Regional
Impacto de los cambios en el precio del cobre en la distribución funcional del ingreso en Chile

Ciencia Regional
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Red Internacional para estudiar la Influencia del Espacio en la Elección Escolar, los Resultados Educacionales y el Mercado Laboral

Fondo Formación de Redes Internacionales CONICYT

Ciencia Regional
La Concentración y el Centralismo en Chile como Limitantes de su Desarrollo y Promotores de la Inequidad Socioterritorial


Ciencia Regional
Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model

Proyecto Cooperación Internacional Chile-Alemania

Ciencia Regional
Elementos de la Economía Regional para la Política Educacional en Chile


Ciencia Regional
Análisis de la productividad regional y sectorial y su influencia en la economía agregada


Ciencia Regional
Medidor de Impacto y Derrames de Proyectos Regionales en Chile


Brechas de Género
Efectos de la Jornada Escolar Completa en la distribución de tiempo del hogar


Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Estimación de Brechas Entre Oferta y Demanda en Educación Parvularia

Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia del Mineduc

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
“Socio-Economic Determinants of Harsh Parenting during Early Childhood in Chile” (“Determinantes Socio-Económicos de Estilos Parentales en la Primera Infancia en Chile”)


Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Access to child care and mothers’ employment quality: lessons from Chile.

Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP). Policy Analysis on Growth and Development (PAGE-II)

Brechas de Género
  • Carolina Molinare
Profesor guía:
Impacto del acceso a servicios de salud sexual reproductiva sobre decisiones de escolaridad en adolescentes

Magister en Economía - UAI

Brechas de Género
  • Nicole Vega
Profesor guía:
¿Por qué las mujeres deciden menos carreras STEM que los hombres?

Magister en Economía - UAI

Ciencia Regional
Economía Urbana y Espacial
  • Cristóbal Fehrmann
Profesor guía:
Acceso a Mercados de Educación Superior: El rol del espacio y las amenidades

Magister en Economía - UAI

Economía Agraria
  • Matías Valenzuela
Profesor guía:
Determinantes de la Adopción de Agricultura Orgánica en Chile: El caso de los Productores de Uva Vinífera en la Región del Maule.

Magister en Economía - UAI

Brechas de Género
  • Esteban Concha
Profesor guía:
Jornada Escolar Completa y su incidencia en la deserción escolar y el empleo juvenil en Chile

Magister en Economía - UAI

Economía Urbana y Espacial
  • Martín Sielfeld
Profesor guía:
School choice: un análisis socioeconómico y espacial del nuevo sistema de admisión escolar

FONDECYT de Iniciación 11190334

Brechas de Género
  • Danielle Moya
Profesor guía:
Uso de Violencia como Método de Disciplina: Determinantes Socio-Económicos Asociados a la Violencia en la Infancia Temprana en Chile

Magister en Economía - UAI

  • Giannina González
Profesor guía:
Impacto de políticas educacionales en la segregación escolar en Chile

Ciencia Regional
  • Andrés Alegría
Profesor guía:
Determinantes de la migración y conmutación laboral en Chile: La ganancia de un enfoque conjunto

Magister en Economía - UAI

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
  • Alejandro Requena
Profesor guía:
Competencia local: determinantes de ingreso a la Jornada Escolar Completa en colegios municipales y particulares subvencionados

Profesor Guía: Matías Berthelon


Visualización de datos

Indice de Desarrollo Regional

IDERE de la Universidad Autónoma

Ciencia Regional
Economía Regional
Economía Urbana y Espacial
Inflación en el precio de las viviendas a nivel regional

Encuesta CASEN

Mapa IVE por establecimiento educacional

Datos Abiertos MINEDUC

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Porcentaje de inmigrantes de establecimientos educacionales por comuna

Datos Proyecto Anillo «Inmigrantes en el sistema educacional de Chile. Representaciones de género, lengua, territorialidad y exclusión social».

Evolución del Mercado Laboral Sectorial a nivel regional

Encuesta Nacional de Empleo (ENE) 2008-2014

Evolución del Mercado Laboral Sectorial a nivel nacional

Encuesta Nacional de Empleo (ENE) 2008-2014

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Salud Mental
Depresión a nivel regional en Chile

Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2012

Ciencia Regional
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Sobrepeso a nivel regional en Chile

Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2012

Buscador de instituciones de educación superior

Servicio de información de educación superior (SIES), Mineduc