2013 Working Papers

R&D investment, asymmetric cost and research joint ventures

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This paper investigates how an initial asymmetry in production costs aects costreducing R&D investment decisions, welfare, and the welfare dierences between noncooperative R&D investment and a research joint venture. Using a duopoly model in which R&D investment generates spillovers and builds absorptive capacity, we nd that under both R&D investment regimes, increasing the initial cost asymmetry reduces welfare due to a reduction in aggregate R&D investment, higher production costs, and lower aggregate production. We also nd that if there exists a spillover value for which welfare under the two regimes is the same, then increasing the initial cost asymmetry has an ambiguous eect

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Fuente: FONDECYT Iniciación

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FAPESP: Sustentabilidad Agrícola y Agroindustrial en Chile

Programa de Cooperación Internacional FAPESP-CONYCIT