2017 Publicaciones

Estimating the effects of teen motherhood in Chile: A family fixed effects approach

We study the effect of adolescent motherhood on education and labor outcomes among 20-24 year old women in Chile. We identify causal effects of motherhood with family fixed effects using a large data set covering the 1990-2011 period. Teen motherhood has negative effects on education and labor outcomes, and timing of motherhood matters: teen births reduce education outcomes, while young motherhood reduces labor force participation. Labor outcome effects are present among the non-poor, and effects changed between 1990 and 2011. Results highlight the important role of adolescent motherhood in women’s human capital accumulation and income inequality.

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Brechas de Género
Efectos de la Jornada Escolar Completa en la distribución de tiempo del hogar


Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Estimación de Brechas Entre Oferta y Demanda en Educación Parvularia

Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia del Mineduc

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
“Socio-Economic Determinants of Harsh Parenting during Early Childhood in Chile” (“Determinantes Socio-Económicos de Estilos Parentales en la Primera Infancia en Chile”)


Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Access to child care and mothers’ employment quality: lessons from Chile.

Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP). Policy Analysis on Growth and Development (PAGE-II)