2010 Publicaciones

Child labor and schooling in Bolivia: Whos falling behind? The roles of domestic work, gender, and ethnicity.

Profesores involucrados:

We analyze the role of gender and ethnicity in the work-school tradeoff among school-aged children. We observe domestic chores in Bolivian data and consider them work, finding that girls are 51% more likely than boys to be out of school and working, mostly in domestic activities. For indigenous children the probability is 60% higher than non-indigenous, and indigenous girls are 23% more likely than boys to be out of school and working. A more comprehensive measure of child labor reveals that in countries with large indigenous populations, indigenous girls are most vulnerable to future poverty and exclusion due to low education.

Más Proyectos
Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Estimación de Brechas Entre Oferta y Demanda en Educación Parvularia

Subsecretaría de Educación Parvularia del Mineduc

Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
“Socio-Economic Determinants of Harsh Parenting during Early Childhood in Chile” (“Determinantes Socio-Económicos de Estilos Parentales en la Primera Infancia en Chile”)


Desarrollo Económico y Organización Industrial
Access to child care and mothers’ employment quality: lessons from Chile.

Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP). Policy Analysis on Growth and Development (PAGE-II)

Ciencia Regional
Labor Demand, Commuting and Housing Prices: A spatial approach to understanding urban growth and its side effects in Chilean cities.

Fuente: FONDECYT Iniciación