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Reseña del libro, Economía Chilena Volumen 14, No. 3, diciembre 2011
Resources Policy Volume 36, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 196-203
More than 10% of the labor force that works in Antofagasta lives in other regions, commuting on average more than 800 km in a shift system that allows working several days in a row followed by several days off. The mining industry is the main contractor of such workers and the impact of the process spreads through the rest of the Chilean territory. Using an input–output approach, this paper shows that a significant amount of resources generated by the mining industries in the Region of Antofagasta goes to other regions in wages earned by commuters who have decided to work in this region but live in another. The commuting process seems to be driven by centripetal forces that support centralization, thus arguing for regional policies to promote the attractiveness of the peripheral regions.
Economía Chilena Central Bank of Chile Working Papers Volumen 14, No.1, April, pages 25-38,
The paper presents a detailed description of the evolution of non-copper exports in the 1990-2007 period and decomposes its evolution in terms of the intensive and extensive margins. I document a significant export diversification in terms of markets and products. In the product dimension, diversification has occurred both for overall exports but also within the main exporting markets. In addition, the decomposition of exports growth into intensive margin (persistent exports) and extensive margins (new exports) indicates that export growth at the extensive margin contributed significantly to overall non-copper export growth, and particularly in the first half of the period.
Magallania Volumen 39, No. 2, 2019, pags.113-135
Punta Arenas es una comuna ubicada en el extremo sur de Chile, cuya economía se basa en la producción de dos materias primas (commodities): petróleo y metanol. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de este artículo es estimar el impacto de estas materias primas sobre la producción, el ingreso y el empleo de la comuna, en donde la importancia relativa de la producción de estas materias primas ha estado cambiando del petróleo al metanol. Usando una matriz input-ouput, demostramos que, los encadenamientos de estas materias primas, en economías que son pequeñas y aisladas generan un bajo impacto en la producción e ingreso. Adicionalmente, se detecta que mientras los encadenamientos de empleo son grandes, se observa que el nivel del mismo en estas industrias es muy bajo respecto al total de empleados de Punta Arenas.
Economic Development in Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan, London, Pages 62-72
Much of the literature on the informal self-employed sector in LDCs, with roots in Harris and Todaro (1970), has assumed a dualistic labor market where self-employed workers who are unprotected by labor legislation are rationed out of protected or “formal” salaried sector jobs by above-market clearing remuneration in the protected sector. In this view, the sector is generally an involuntary holding pattern for young workers entering the labor force or older workers dismissed from formal jobs. In economic upturns, transitions should be largely unidirectional, from informal microenterprises to the formal sector.
Journal of Public Economics Volume 95, Issues 1–2, February 2011, Pages 41-53
We analyze the effect of a Chilean school reform that lengthened the school day from half to full-day shifts on the likelihood that adolescents engage in risky behaviors. By increasing the number of hours spent in school, the reform curtails opportunities to engage in risky behaviors that may lead to motherhood and crime. We exploit the exogenous time and regional variations of the reform’s implementation to identify the effects of adult supervision on the likelihood that adolescent girls become mothers, and on municipal juvenile crime rates. We find that access to full-day schools reduces the probability of becoming an adolescent mother among poor families and in urban areas, and that the reform reduced youth crime.
Magallania Volumen 38, No.2, Nov. 2010, pags. 89-101
Muchos investigadores destacan la importancia de las relaciones entre sectores con el fin de sugerir medidas relativas al crecimiento económico (estudios sobre eslabonamientos o linkages), pero pocos, conjugan dicha información con los efectos que tiene los inputs primarios y la conmutación interregional en la economía. Aunque estos tipos de análisis son distintos, se encuentran estrechamente ligados cuando se pretende ahondar en razones que lleven a un crecimiento regional.
Este trabajo se concentra en el análisis de encadenamientos, salarios y conmutación regional, considerando distintos escenarios (economía abierta y cerrada). Los resultados obtenidos, dejan patente la evidente pérdida de recursos que se dejan de percibir en Magallanes, y que tiene como destino otras regiones, debido a la falta de políticas que apunten a la radicación de aquellas personas que más ganan para que vivan en la región.
The newsletter of the RSAI, New Series 3 June 2010, pages 16-20
World Development Volume 39, issue 4, December 2010, pages 588-599
We analyze the role of gender and ethnicity in the work-school tradeoff among school-aged children. We observe domestic chores in Bolivian data and consider them work, finding that girls are 51% more likely than boys to be out of school and working, mostly in domestic activities. For indigenous children the probability is 60% higher than non-indigenous, and indigenous girls are 23% more likely than boys to be out of school and working. A more comprehensive measure of child labor reveals that in countries with large indigenous populations, indigenous girls are most vulnerable to future poverty and exclusion due to low education.
Research in Labor Economcis Volume 31, Child Labor and the Transition Between School and Work , 19 May 2010, Pages 161-192.
We develop a model that characterizes all possible allocations of children’s time between work and school, analyzing the relationship between market work, household chores, and Brazilian children’s school enrollment. If pure market work is analyzed, we find that girls are less likely to work and more likely to exclusively attend relative to boys with similar characteristics. If the definition of work includes household chores, girls are less likely to be exclusively in school and more likely to work compared to boys. The results reveal that girls disproportionately carry out domestic responsibilities, which could hinder their school achievements. Furthermore, family structures with fewer preschool-aged siblings and with more adults present alleviate the pressure to displace girls’ time away from school and toward domestic activities.
Panorama Socioeconómico Volumen 27, No. 39, 2009, pags. 100-112.
Two different sources of data, Brazilian and Chilean banks and NGOs, were accessed to evaluate microcredit programs. Using propensity score and matching techniques, we compare the average income of individuals who received microcredit with the income of control groups, formed by people with similar characteristics. The results for the Brazilian data show a high positive impact of microcredit programs, especially for those administered by banks. In the Chilean case the evidence is weaker for the microcredit administered by banks. As for NGO-based programs, the evidence suggests that their impact on the average income of their clients is actually negative.
Foreing Affairs Latinoamerica Volumen 9, No. 1, 2009
El incremento de la desigualdad territorial en los ingresos percibidos por los trabajadores chilenos es producto tanto de diversas acciones de las instancias del Gobierno (Ministerios y Banco Central) como de los mecanismos de mercado. Entre las primeras, destaca el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Regional y la política monetaria, mientras que entre los segundos se analizan el comercio entre las regiones y la movilidad laboral interregional.
WIDER Research Paper, No. 2006/89, 2006.
This chapter examines the convergence process in China by taking into account spatial interactions. It shows that there has been a dramatic increase in the spatial dependence of China’s per capita GDP in the last twenty years. The space thus plays an important role, in the sense that economic conditions of one province affect growths of its neighbours. Results indicate that regional distribution of GDP has gone from one of convergence to stratification, and from stratification to polarization.
Cuadernos de Economía Volumen 45, No.131, Mayo 2008, pags. 129-143
El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una metodología para construir un índice regional de costo de vivienda que tome en consideración la heterogeneidad espacial de éstas. Trabajando con la encuesta CASEN 2003, se muestra que los precios promedios entre regiones así como la estimación de regresiones hedonicas pueden generar resultados sesgados producto de la heterogeneidad espacial. Cuando se homogeiniza la muestra a través de método de pareo «matching», los resultados previos cambian en forma significativa. Finalmente se construye un índice regional de costo de vivienda que captura las diferencias regionales en precios de arriendo de unidades homogéneas.
Journal of International Economics Volume 75, Issue 2, July 2008, Pages 310-320
Using disaggregated bilateral trade data, we find that the elasticity of trade to distance increased (in absolute value) by about 10% since 1985. To explore the reasons for this shift, we decompose the change in the distance elasticity of trade into the part due to a shift in the composition of trade among industries and the part due to a change in the distance sensitivity within industries. We find that adjustment in the composition of trade had little effect, but for 40% of industries distance became more important, with nearly all of the remaining industries showing no significant change. We explore alternative hypotheses as to why the elasticity of trade to distance increased in some industries. We find that homogeneous goods, bulky goods, and high tariff goods became significantly more distance sensitive. In contrast, the evidence implies that changes in tariffs and freight costs have reduced the importance of distance on trade. We conclude that the increase in the importance of distance over time is related to the substitutability of goods and the level of trade costs, but not to changes in tariffs or freight costs.
Munich Personal RePEc Archive, No. 36222, 27 Jan 2012, pages 1-19
El objetivo del artículo es estudiar el proceso de migración interregional en Chile comomecanismo de mercado para reducir las diferencias en salario y desempleo entre las regionesde acuerdo a la propuesta realizada en Aroca & Hewings (2002). Utilizando datos censales para Chile de 1992 y 2002 se estima un modelo probit para la probabilidad de migrar desdeuna región a otra. Luego, se analiza la eficiencia del proceso de migración interregional parareducir las diferencias interregionales de salarios y tasas de desempleo. Los resultadosmuestran que las señales del mercado laboral tienen el efecto esperado en la decisión demigrar. Sin embargo, el proceso es ineficiente para reducir significativamente las diferenciasregionales en salario y desempleo.
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