2002 Publicaciones

Migration and regional labor market adjustment: Chile 1977–1982 and 1987–1992.

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The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the migration processes that have been occurring in Chile between 1977–1982 and 1987–1992, as a market mechanism to re-allocate labor among regions. Using traditional consumer theory, a model is developed for a migrant who is evaluating migration. Secondly, this model is estimated, with cross section aggregate data, for both periods using a logit formulation. The results indicate that there is a strong force in the Chilean regional labor market, which serves to concentrate the workforce around the largest populated region of the country. Finally, regional labor markets are simulated to show that migration forces are very weak to arbitrage regional wages and unemployment rate and specific policy is required to promote balanced development across Chilean regions.

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Labor Demand, Commuting and Housing Prices: A spatial approach to understanding urban growth and its side effects in Chilean cities.

Fuente: FONDECYT Iniciación